Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pump Action Gun Dream

I am reading the Spiderwick Chronicles . I am on book number 4. There is 5 in all. I really want to see the movie. It comes out February 14th.
I got a Fusion scooter for Christmas and last week my mom ran it over be cause I left it in front of her car and she didn't see it. It was crushed. But my mom had bought an extended coverage plan so I got a new one. But I can't ride it for the rest of the month because I am grounded.
I saw a pump-action play gun at Sportsman's Warehouse the other day. I wanted it so bad that I dreamed about it that night. It all began when I had a REAL gun under my bed. I heard a clash in the bonus room. I jumped off my bed and grabbed the gun and snuck down the hall. A bad guy jumped through the window with a rifle in his hands and we had a huge gun fight. Luckily I was wearing a whole bullet-proof out-fit. So I got him in the head. Then everyone wanted me to be a guard a sit on their roofs and watch for bad guys.


Kade said...

Riley, You are awesome!! I can picture you hanging out on people's rooftops sniping off the bad guys.

Whit said...

Sounds like you and Rex are having the same dreams. Try and get some sleep tonight.:)

The Hulbert Family said...

we really liked your story!!